Training & Workshops
Want rapid help on a specific problem with to ‘inspire’ and deliver ‘actionable change?

Product team training and workshops
Is there an area of Product you’re feeling a bit stuck on? You want to bring some people together, get them inspired and motivated? Do you need quick and focussed progress on a certain topic?
Training and workshops can help with all of these things.
They are one of the best ways to bring up the energy of a team, create a re-set and invest in your teams knowledge and learning.
Whether you just want to explore a new topic, or you have a particular problem to tackle – I got you.
I bring all of my experience, enthusiasm and expertise to help you to maximise your outcomes from the session.
A few of my fave workshops...

Strategy to Delivery
So you have a Product strategy, but you’re struggling to get teams to move in the same direction on the ground.
This full day workshop helps you to align teams, embed understanding and really drive the impact that you want to see.

Getting value from your experiments
Want to know how you can really maximise value from experimentation? I bring my 4 years of CRO experience at to help you to do just that!
You’ll walk away delivering more impact than ever.

Working WITH the business
Does it feel like Product & the business are pulling in different directions? You’re always battling with stakeholders and communication is just not working.
In this workshop we work out exactly why, and create change across your Product process to make this smooth for everyone – freeing up your time to add more impact!
Initial Chat
We define your outcomes and learning goals & structure training or a workshop to suit just that.
Session Design
I craft a perfect schedule for your session to make sure you gain maximum impact and can apply this to your current scenarios.
Session Delivery
Online, or in-person we deliver the interactive session to give you exactly what you need.
I check in with you after a month to see how you're getting on with implementing change & answer questions on any areas you need
& super valuable training

Outcome driven product
You know about outcomes, you know why they’re important… but you feel like you’re still stuck on outputs.
We explore how you can actually bring outcomes to life and how they apply to your company.

Solve the right problems, the right way
So often in Product I see teams jump from some kind of strategy to solutions.
This misses out the most critical step – actually working out which problems to solve for impact.
I teach you techniques that really help you to achieve this.

Savvy stakeholders
Do your stakeholders just not get Product? Have you tried explaining things to them, but it’s just not helping?
I teach you the techniques you can use to really communicate with them, build relationships and get them on board to be the biggest product advocates.
Transform your product team.
A Few Happy Clients!
The vision and strategy workshop with Evie was fantastic. She has tremendous knowledge and was able to facilitate the group to achieve some excellent actions going forward that have already resulted in increased motivation and enthusiasm for the vision of the product.

Adam James
“The full day workshop left attendees motivated to apply the new ideas and techniques to their particular context. A great outcome!”

Neil Kidd
“Evie is phenomenal at bringing clarity to highly complex spaces. Evie has the perfect personality to do this.”